Carole Maillard    

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available for freelance  

illustrator based in france.
if you’re curious about my work 
this is the time
& this is the place.





Thank you for dropping by this online portfolio, this place displays the work of Carole Maillard, an illustrator based in Paris suburbs, France.  


I started drawing in 2019 and this is what I do since then.

I love to explore different techniques while trying to balance between traditional and digital medium. My wish is to deliver works that are personal, thoughtful and that pay attention to the people involved, hoping they will resonate in them too.
If this sounds familiar to you, by all means, get in touch.

“go home club” means going back to the places, beings that mean home to you.  It can hold various meanings at different times you’re going through, all at once or even nothing at all: from running back home to be  solo to going back to your loved ones, to your roots.

Merci de votre visite. Ce portfolio présente le travail de Carole Maillard, une illustratice basée en banlieue parisienne.


2019, j’ai commencé à dessiner sérieusement et à envisager ce hobbie qui m’est précieux comme un moyen de vivre également.

J’aime aborder différents mediums, mélanger plusieurs techniques en traditionnelles et/ou digitales.
Ma préoccupation est de réaliser des dessins et illustrations qui soient à la fois personnels, tangibles, respectueux des personnes impliquées et où certain.e.s pourraient s’y reconnaître.
Si ce message résonne en vous aussi, n’hésitez pas à prendre contact avec moi.

credit: @origines


The Digital Fairy, HAMAM, Terrible People, Akin Magazine, Return Trip,  Soft Punk, Feels, Potluck, SOFT


 If you want to discuss your project or have any questions regarding my work, please write to:  

Pour me faire part de vos projets ou questions concernant mon travail, écrivez-moi:


carole maillard, illustrator